Catholic parish summit


Live translation during the conference will be offered in German, Spanish, and Polish. • Email us to inquire for other languages.

Conference Schedule


2 PM – registration opens

5 PM – Connect Night and dinner (premium ticket*)

6 PM – In the Beginning: Holy Discontent as the Seed of Renewal
Dr. Hannah Vaughan-Spruce

7:45 PM – Mass

8:15 AM – Morning prayer

9 AM – Let There Be Light: Leading with Hope and Vision
Fr. James Mallon

Lights to Govern the Night and Day: Empowered Leadership in a Hungry World
Michelle Moran

11 AM – Mass

12:15 PM – Lunch break**

1:45 PM – Breakouts

5:30 PM – Story Night and dinner (premium ticket*)

7:30 PM – Made in God’s Image: Healing in Leadership
Sr. Miriam James Heidland

9 PM – Ceilidh (premium ticket*)

8:15 AM – Morning prayer

9 AM – Mass

11 AM – Be Fruitful and Multiply: Launching the Transformation of our Nations
Rev. Stephen Foster

12:15 PM – Lunch break**

1:45 PM – Breakout

3:15 PM – The Spirit Hovered Over the Waters: The Holy Spirit as the Driving Power of Mission
Fr. Mathias Thelen

5 PM – Conference close


Picture of Darkness Upon the Face of the Deep: Awakening Hope through the Holy Spirit
Darkness Upon the Face of the Deep: Awakening Hope through the Holy Spirit

Dr. Hannah Vaughan-Spruce

In our world, we can feel we are in the midst of a flood of restlessness, anxiety and even chaos. Maybe our parishes can feel like this at times, too, as what worked for us in the past no longer seems to work. But, “the darkness upon the face of the deep” is not the whole story: “the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters” (Gen. 1:2). In this session, Dr. Hannah Vaughan-Spruce sheds light on how the life of Jesus in our parishes is more powerful than the flood, and the Holy Spirit is already bringing parishes back to life around the world.

Picture of Let There be Light: Leading with Hope and Vision
Let There be Light: Leading with Hope and Vision

Fr. James Mallon

Moving a parish from maintenance to mission isn’t all about strategies, five-year plans, and to-do lists: it begins with deep prayer and a God-given vision of the future that produces hope and passion. In this session, Fr. James Mallon will speak about the importance of having a clear vision guided by the light of God’s wisdom, and recognizing the obstacles that can obscure this vision that God has planted in your heart.

Picture of Lights to Govern the Night and Day: Empowered Leadership in a Hungry World
Lights to Govern the Night and Day: Empowered Leadership in a Hungry World

Michelle Moran

Responsibility for the mission of the Church belongs to all the baptised. Whether you’re clergy, lay, or consecrated religious – leadership is for you. As a leader, how do you rediscover that identity, and your unique leadership style and potential? In this session, Michelle Moran speaks about the importance of Holy Spirit-led servant leadership in empowering teams and multiplying impact.

Picture of Made in God’s Image: Healing in Leadership
Made in God’s Image: Healing in Leadership

Sr. Miriam James

Living out our mission as lay people or clergy is tough and exhausting. Both the toxic culture of the secular world, and the pushback or disappointment we experience within the Church, take their toll. It is easy to become discouraged and opt for paths of least resistance. But Jesus calls us to more: he offers us an invitation to healing and redemption. In this session, Sr. Miriam James Heidland speaks about the importance of healing, self-leadership, and rest — and how these things make leaders that last.

Picture of Be Fruitful and Multiply: Launching the Transformation of our Nations
Be Fruitful and Multiply: Launching the Transformation of our Nations

Rev. Stephen Foster

There are countless individuals, hungry to know Jesus, in our neighbourhoods. Do they even know that our parishes exist? Each person in our pews has a rescue mission to seek out the lost. But alone, it is hard. What would it look like if our parishes lived and breathed mission, communally, as an identity and lived it as a culture? How radically would our neighbourhoods be transformed? In this session, Rev. Stephen Foster shows us the reality missional parishes make in the transformation of the Church and of the world.

Picture of The Spirit Hovered over the Waters: The Holy Spirit as the Driving Power of Mission
The Spirit Hovered over the Waters: The Holy Spirit as the Driving Power of Mission

Fr. Mathias Thelen

Over the last three days, chances are you’ve been immensely inspired for mission. Also, perhaps you feel tremendously overwhelmed by the thought of leading others to Jesus. Are you wondering whether you truly have what it takes? Don’t worry, because the truth is — you don’t. And that is a reason for rejoicing because mission, evangelisation, and parish renewal truly are the work of the Holy Spirit! In this session, Fr. Mathias Thelen wraps up our time together at CPS by unpacking what it’s like to radically depend on the power of the Holy Spirit and follow his lead with courage and conviction.

Breakout Sessions

More details and sessions coming soon


The parish is the normative place where Catholics experience Church life. However, the models we use for parish ministry are becoming increasingly unable to address the cultural realities we face today. From missional restructuring, amalgamations, to multi-site parishes — what can leaders do in facing these challenges? Join this session where we unpack and understand the state of parishes today.

The parish is the normative place where Catholics experience Church life. However, the models we use for parish ministry are becoming increasingly unable to address the cultural realities we face today. From missional restructuring, amalgamations, to multi-site parishes — what can leaders do in facing these challenges? Join this session where we unpack and understand the state of parishes today.

You’ve been on the shore looking at parish renewal long enough and you’ve now decided to give it a go. What does the first year of leading change look like? What are the first steps? Using Divine Renovation’s Genesis Compass as a guide, this session explores how you can navigate the early stage of leading renewal in your parish.

You’ve been on the shore looking at parish renewal long enough and you’ve now decided to give it a go. What does the first year of leading change look like? What are the first steps? Using Divine Renovation’s principles of parish renewal as a guide, this session explores how you can navigate the early stage of leading renewal in your parish.

Many missional parishes use an evangelisation tool like Alpha to share the Gospel with the unchurched. Like any tool, it can be used effectively and bear fruit — and similarly, it can be misused and not bear the fruit you expected. Whether you have no Alpha experience at all or have been running for a while and need a re-fresh, this session is for you. Join Mike Roche, the Alpha UK team plus a panel of special guests who will guide you through the most common pitfalls in running Alpha, and equip you with tools and insights to make a strong start and run Alpha well.

Many missional parishes use an evangelisation tool like Alpha to share the Gospel with the unchurched. Like any tool, it can be used effectively and bear fruit — and similarly, it can be misused and not bear the fruit you expected. Whether you have no Alpha experience at all or have been running for a while and need a re-fresh, this session is for you. Join Mike Roche, the Alpha UK team plus a panel of special guests who will guide you through the most common pitfalls in running Alpha, and equip you with tools and insights to make a strong start and run Alpha well.

We were created to worship God — the Catechism teaches us that “God’s first call is that humanity accept him and worship him” (2084). Worshipping Jesus, being in relationship with Him and partnering with Him to renew the world is the destiny of every person. It’s from this place of worship where we’ll truly experience freedom, joy and life to the full. But even more than this, we’re called to do it creatively! Walking in step with the creator of the world means that Christians have a deep capacity to create. Join us in this session where we discuss how worship and creativity could be key to unlocking great potential for renewal in your parish.

We were created to worship God — the Catechism teaches us that “God’s first call is that humanity accept him and worship him” (2084). Worshipping Jesus, being in relationship with Him and partnering with Him to renew the world is the destiny of every person. It’s from this place of worship where we’ll truly experience freedom, joy and life to the full. But even more than this, we’re called to do it creatively! Walking in step with the creator of the world means that Christians have a deep capacity to create. Join us in this session where we discuss how worship and creativity could be key to unlocking great potential for renewal in your parish.

If you’re leading renewal in your parish, chances are you’ve been inspired by the example of another missional parish. The truth is, your parish’s missionary fruitfulness will inevitably impact another. How can you amplify the good things God is doing in your parish, and multiply that impact on others? In this session, we will share insights and ways your parish can spread renewal by being a mission multiplier.

If you’re leading renewal in your parish, chances are you’ve been inspired by the example of another missional parish. The truth is, your parish’s missionary fruitfulness will inevitably impact another. How can you amplify the good things God is doing in your parish, and multiply that impact on others? In this session, we will share insights and ways your parish can spread renewal by being a mission multiplier.

The family is where everything begins. From habits to virtues, prayer life to loving others, the family is where the basics of the Christian faith are learned, lived, and, passed on. As leaders of our parishes and our own families, how can we make the domestic church the primary place of evangelisation? In this workshop, we will unpack what an evangelising family could look like, and how to raise children with evangelisation in their DNA.

The family is where everything begins. From habits to virtues, prayer life to loving others, the family is where the basics of the Christian faith are learned, lived, and, passed on. As leaders of our parishes and our own families, how can we make the domestic church the primary place of evangelisation? In this workshop, we will unpack what an evangelising family could look like, and how to raise children with evangelisation in their DNA.

Leading others to Jesus is tough. People count on you. Each of us carries wounds and brokenness that impacts others. How can you come to a personal understanding of yourself so that you can lead others well? How can you avoid burnout and learn healthy ways of working? Join us in this session where we explore self-leadership and what makes up leaders that last.

Leading others to Jesus is tough. People count on you. Each of us carries wounds and brokenness that impacts others. How can you come to a personal understanding of yourself so that you can lead others well? How can you avoid burnout and learn healthy ways of working? Join us in this session where we explore self-leadership and what makes up leaders that last.

The era of isolated leadership is over. For a time such as the one we’re in, leading out of a team is the only way we can reorient our parishes towards mission and escape terminal decline. What makes up an effective parish leadership team? What are the four non-negotiables that set effective teams apart from the rest? Join this session and explore what your leadership team could look like.

The era of isolated leadership is over. For a time such as the one we’re in, leading out of a team is the only way we can reorient our parishes towards mission and escape terminal decline. What makes up an effective parish leadership team? What are the four non-negotiables that set effective teams apart from the rest? Join this session and explore what your leadership team could look like.

Is having a vision really that important? Vision statements are often cheesy and rarely move people to action — or are heard once and quickly forgotten about. But, whether it’s for your personal life, your ministry or your parish, dreaming a vision of the future that inspires hope and passion is crucial. Join us in this workshop where you will learn practical ways to craft a winning vision.

Is having a vision really that important? Vision statements are often cheesy and rarely move people to action — or are heard once and quickly forgotten about. But, whether it’s for your personal life, your ministry or your parish, dreaming a vision of the future that inspires hope and passion is crucial. Join us in this workshop where you will learn practical ways to craft a winning vision.

Our entire purpose as Catholics is to fulfil the Great Commission: bring people into an encounter with Jesus. How can we, as lay Catholics, influence and accompany those around us into a relationship with Jesus that will change their lives? And how can your parish create discipleship pathways that form people and ultimately send them out into the mission field? Join this session where we lay out a framework on how to grow disciples and commission apostles.

Our entire purpose as Catholics is to fulfil the Great Commission: bring people into an encounter with Jesus. How can we, as lay Catholics, influence and accompany those around us into a relationship with Jesus that will change their lives? And how can your parish create discipleship pathways that form people and ultimately send them out into the mission field? Join this session where we lay out a framework on how to grow disciples and commission apostles.

It’s no secret: young adults are the least visible group in most parishes. But data shows that this demographic takes their faith more seriously than we give them credit for! How can we give young people a home in parish life where they can grow as disciples and empower them for mission? Join us in this workshop we we unpack this pain point experienced by so many parishes today, and what you can do about it.

It’s no secret: young adults are the least visible group in most parishes. But data shows that this demographic takes their faith more seriously than we give them credit for! How can we give young people a home in parish life where they can grow as disciples and empower them for mission? Join us in this workshop we we unpack this pain point experienced by so many parishes today, and what you can do about it.

When you think of someone full of passion for the gospel, you may be tempted to think that they have received a special anointing not meant for anyone else. And while it’s true — the Holy Spirit gives us gifts as he chooses (1 Cor. 12:11) — the reality is that life in the Spirit is only extraordinary because ordinary men and women open their hearts to the supernatural life he wants to pour into us. As Catholics how can we open ourselves up to this tremendous gift God is giving us? How can we help others accept it? Join us in this session exploring the supernatural life in the Spirit.

When you think of someone full of passion for the gospel, you may be tempted to think that they have received a special anointing not meant for anyone else. And while it’s true — the Holy Spirit gives us gifts as he chooses (1 Cor. 12:11) — the reality is that life in the Spirit is only extraordinary because ordinary men and women open their hearts to the supernatural life he wants to pour into us. As Catholics how can we open ourselves up to this tremendous gift God is giving us? How can we help others accept it? Join us in this session exploring the supernatural life in the Spirit.


Looking towards the Great Jubilee Year 2033, there is a real opportunity to usher in a massively transformative decade of missionary renewal unlike anything we’ve seen before. Looking back in the last ten years, what are the things we’ve learned as a Church that will help bring even more people to Jesus? Join us in this session where we explore power evangelisation and how the laity can step up in sharing the faith with boldness.

Looking towards the Great Jubilee Year 2033, there is a real opportunity to usher in a massively transformative decade of missionary renewal unlike anything we’ve seen before. Looking back in the last ten years, what are the things we’ve learned as a Church that will help bring even more people to Jesus? Join us in this session where we explore power evangelisation and how the laity can step up in sharing the faith with boldness.

We all know the power of a great retreat or conference to inspire our people, draw them closer to God, and lead them into new conviction about his call for their lives. But what happens after the spiritual high settles? Join us for laughter and entertaining stories as we dive into the practical steps you can take to help your community not only get through the spiritual valleys and plains but learn to thrive there.

We all know the power of a great retreat or conference to inspire our people, draw them closer to God, and lead them into new conviction about his call for their lives. But what happens after the spiritual high settles? Join us for laughter and entertaining stories as we dive into the practical steps you can take to help your community not only get through the spiritual valleys and plains but learn to thrive there.

Teens are much more capable of understanding the Gospel message than many give them credit for. Amidst all the cultural noise they’re in, how can we as a Church lead them to a place of personal encounter and propose a life with Christ as a decision they can make? Join this session where we discuss how we can effectively minister to teens and their natural interest in the spiritual life.

Teens are much more capable of understanding the Gospel message than many give them credit for. Amidst all the cultural noise they’re in, how can we as a Church lead them to a place of personal encounter and propose a life with Christ as a decision they can make? Join this session where we discuss how we can effectively minister to teens and their natural interest in the spiritual life.

In many parishes, formation for the sacraments tends to be more transactional than transformational — with many parents and children jumping through hoops of formation, only never to be seen again. Is there an opportunity for us to reimagine this process in such a way that leads people into a path of discipleship? Join this session where we explore the real potential of discipleship-based sacrament preparation that prioritizes conversion over courses.

In many parishes, formation for the sacraments tends to be more transactional than transformational — with many parents and children jumping through hoops of formation, only never to be seen again. Is there an opportunity for us to reimagine this process in such a way that leads people into a path of discipleship? Join this session where we explore the real potential of discipleship-based sacrament preparation that prioritizes conversion over courses.

Following Jesus entails sharing the Gospel through both words and actions. How can our parishes become havens of hope for those marginalised in society? And how can we effectively guide them towards encountering Christ? Join this workshop as we delve into the connection between mission and outreach, infused with the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, leading to supernatural fruit.

Following Jesus entails sharing the Gospel through both words and actions. How can our parishes become havens of hope for those marginalised in society? And how can we effectively guide them towards encountering Christ? Join this workshop as we delve into the connection between mission and outreach, infused with the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, leading to supernatural fruit.

Hymns, homilies, and hospitality — the three main touchpoints of the typical Sunday experience. How can you leverage these three H’s to foster a deeper reliance on the Holy Spirit, orient your parish towards mission, and use them as a gateway to evangelisation? If you’re ready to take your Sunday experience to the next level, this workshop is for you.

Hymns, homilies, and hospitality — the three main touchpoints of the typical Sunday experience. How can you leverage these three H’s to foster a deeper reliance on the Holy Spirit, orient your parish towards mission, and use them as a gateway to evangelisation? If you’re ready to take your Sunday experience to the next level, this workshop is for you.

Parishes belong to a diocese, and the relationship between both is critically-important for any parish renewal effort to bear fruit. Breaking open learnings from the diocese of [x], we will share practical insights and strategies on how a parish and its diocese can work together for renewal, focusing on forming disciples, equipping leaders, and establishing healthy structures that drive mission.

Parishes belong to a diocese, and the relationship between both is critically-important for any parish renewal effort to bear fruit. Breaking open learnings from the diocese of [x], we will share practical insights and strategies on how a parish and its diocese can work together for renewal, focusing on forming disciples, equipping leaders, and establishing healthy structures that drive mission.

If responsibility for the mission of the Church belongs to all the baptized, how can the laity step up and live out the leadership role that God has made them for? We’re all leaders it’s just about knowing what type of leader you are! In this session, we will break down the common myths and stereotypes on who/what a leader should be, and propose a vision of what authentic lay leadership can look like in our time.

If responsibility for the mission of the Church belongs to all the baptized, how can the laity step up and live out the leadership role that God has made them for? We’re all leaders it’s just about knowing what type of leader you are! In this session, we will break down the common myths and stereotypes on who/what a leader should be, and propose a vision of what authentic lay leadership can look like in our time.

Full speaker lineup and Mass Celebrants


Picture of Archbishop Mark O'Toole
Archbishop Mark O'Toole

Archbishop of Cardiff & Menevia • CBCEW Chair, Department for Evangelisation & Discipleship

Picture of Cardinal<br>Grzegorz Ryś
Grzegorz Ryś

Archbishop of Łódź, Poland

Picture of Bishop Marcus Stock
Bishop Marcus Stock

Bishop of Leeds

Picture of Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT
Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT

Bestselling author and speaker • Cohost of the Abiding Together Podcast

Picture of Fr. James Mallon
Fr. James Mallon

Founder of Divine Renovation Ministry • Parish Priest of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Nova Scotia, Canada

Picture of Dr. Hannah Vaughan-Spruce
Dr. Hannah Vaughan-Spruce

Executive Director of Divine Renovation UK

Picture of Nicky Gumbel
Nicky Gumbel

Pioneer of Alpha

Picture of Stephen Foster
Stephen Foster

St. Aldates Church, Oxford

Picture of Michelle Moran
Michelle Moran

Co-Founder, Sion Catholic Community for Evangelism

Picture of Fr. Mathias Thelen
Fr. Mathias Thelen

Encounter Ministries
Parish Priest of St. Patrick's Parish • Michigan, USA

Picture of Allegra Mutanda
Allegra Mutanda

Director of Evangelisation & Leadership
St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs

Picture of Fr. Stephen Langridge
Fr. Stephen Langridge

Parish Priest, St. Elizabeth of Portugal • Richmond

Picture of Fr. David Boyd​
Fr. David Boyd​

Parish Priest, St. John Bosco & St. Bernadette • Erskine, Scotland

Picture of Georgia Clarke
Georgia Clarke

Director of Youth Ministry
St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Richmond

Picture of Fr. David Boyd​
Fr. David Boyd​

Parish Priest, St. John Bosco & St. Bernadette • Erskine, Scotland

Picture of Georgia Clarke
Georgia Clarke

Director of Youth Ministry
St. Elizabeth of Portugal, Richmond

Picture of Fr. Stephen Langridge
Fr. Stephen Langridge

Parish Priest, St. Elizabeth of Portugal • Richmond

Picture of Allegra Mutanda
Allegra Mutanda

Director of Evangelisation & Leadership
St. Peter and the Winchester Martyrs

Picture of Fr. Mathias Thelen
Fr. Mathias Thelen

Encounter Ministries
Parish Priest of St. Patrick's Parish • Michigan, USA

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Access the event schedule, session information, network with other attendees, plan meetups, and more with Whova.

Partner Events

CPS attendees will also have access to partner events hosted by the Word on Fire Institute and Alpha on Wednesday, 12th June.

Register for any of these events using the link in your confirmation email.

Partner Events

CPS attendees will also have access to partner events hosted by the Word on Fire Institute and Alpha on Wednesday, 12th June.

Register for any of these events using the link in your confirmation email.

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