
Free webinars

WEDNESDAY, 17 April 2024 • 7 PM – 8:15 PM LONDON

Sent or Stuck: Where are your people going?

Is your parish forming disciples activated for mission? Or is it stuck, serving only those already in the pews?

Your parish matters now more than ever. There’s a world that counts on you to bring Jesus’ presence to them.

How can your parish step up and send out missionary disciples?

Join Fr. George Elsbett, Stephen Foster, and Pippa Baker on Wednesday, 17th April at 7 PM London in our free online event, Sent or Stuck: Where are your people going?


Sent or Stuck: Where are your people going?

Is your parish forming disciples activated for mission? Or is it stuck, serving only those already in the pews?

Your parish matters now more than ever. There’s a world that counts on you to bring Jesus’ presence to them.

How can your parish step up and send out missionary disciples?

Join Fr. George Elsbett, Stephen Foster, and Pippa Baker on Wednesday, 17th April at 7 PM London in our free online event, Sent or Stuck: Where are your people going?

Sr. Miriam James Heidland, Pete Smallwood, and Will van der Hart speaking at one of the Catholic Parish Summit webinars.


Health or Burnout: Where are your leaders going?​​

Let’s face it: giving ministry your all can be overwhelming! At the pace and direction you’re going, are you headed to health or burnout?

The work of parish renewal needs healthy leaders. People count on you. How can you ensure that you’re serving out of abundance, not burnout and frustration?

Join Sr. Miriam James HeidlandWill van der Hart, and Pete Smallwood on Wednesday, 28th February in our online event, Health or Burnout: Where are your leaders going?

Fr. James Mallon, Pierpaolo Finaldi, and Bishop David Oakley speaking at one of the Catholic Parish Summit webinars.


Thriving or Closing: Where is your parish going?​

Will my parish still be here in 10 years? If it were to close, would the community even notice?

In the face of such sobering thought, the good news is that parishes can come to new life if they live their missionary identity and make new disciples. Think it’s time to take a more serious look into the problem of church decline? Join Bishop David Oakley and Fr. James Mallon in this online event, Thriving or Closing: Where is your parish going?

Fr. Mathias Thelen of Encounter Ministries is speaking at one of the Catholic Parish Summit webinars.


Sent or Stuck: Where are your people going?​

Is your parish forming disciples activated for mission? Or is it stuck, serving only those already in the pews? The truth is, your parish matters. And there’s a world that counts on you to bring Jesus’ presence to them.

How can your parish rise up and send missionary disciples beyond the church walls?

Join Fr. Mathias Thelen on Wednesday, 28th April in this online event, Sent or Stuck: Where are your people going?

Registration coming soon.

Register for Catholic Parish Summit today